Results of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders - новости ПИК от 30 июня 2014
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30 июня 2014

Results of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

Moscow, 30 June 2014 - PIK Group (LSE: PIK), one of Russia’s leading residential real estate developers, held its Annual General Meeting on June 30, 2014. A quorum of shareholders was present at the AGM.

The AGM approved the 2013 Annual Report and financial statements, approved no dividend distribution based on the fiscal year results.

The following Board of Directors of OAO PIK Group was elected by the shareholders:

  1. Pavel A. Poselenov,
  2. Marina A. Zinovina,
  3. Dmitry V. Kanushkin,
  4. Ilya A. Stepanishev,
  5. Marina V. Grenberg,
  6. Alexey A.Blanin,
  7. Zumrud Kh. Rustamova,
  8. Jean Pierre Saltiel,
  9. Dmitry A. Pleskonos.

The Annual General Shareholders Meeting also elected the Audit Commission, approved the size of remuneration and reimbursement of expenses to the members of the Board of Directors as well as approved Directors’ liability insurance transactions.  ZAO BDO was approved as PIK Group’s auditor for 2014. The ninth edition of the Charter of PIK Group was also approved.