PIK to receive ESG rating from RA Expert - новости ПИК от 18 марта 2021
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18 марта 2021

PIK to receive ESG rating from RA Expert

PIK became the first company in the sector to obtain an ESG rating by RA Expert, which assesses sustainability of business in the environmental, social and economic spheres.

The company’s ESG-II rating indicates a very high level of compliance with the principles of sustainable development in key decision-making processes.

Block E (Environmental): PIK is constantly looking for the most modern and technological solutions to reduce the negative impact on the environment. The company modernized its manufacturing capacities, eliminated mobile sources of pollution and created an effective water purification system using its own water treatment facilities. Since 2017, the volume of emissions of harmful substances from PIK’s activities into the atmosphere has been reduced by an average of 28% annually, and hazardous waste of class 1-3 is less than 1%.

Block S (Social): The salaries in PIK are higher than the average level in the industry and are gender neutral. The company annually pays for education programs and medical insurance coverage for its personnel. PIK regularly monitors customer satisfaction, and to communicate with customers has created an information service that helps to get support in any convenient way: through feedback on the corporate website, a dedicated phone line, instant messengers or social networks.

Block G (Governance): a high level of strategic planning and risk management, a well-developed predictive financial model, information transparency, online monitoring systems for all finances and construction sites, as well as the approved dividend policy also had a positive impact on the ESG rating.



PIK has been operating in the market since 1994 and specializes in sales of affordable housing. Since its inception, the company has built about 23 million sqm of residential real estate. Since 2007, PIK is present on the stock market. The company adheres to best international standards of corporate governance. By the decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation PIK is included in the list of strategic enterprises of the Russian economy.

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